Our Story

Since 2020

Multea Choice

Welcome to Multea Choice, the ultimate destination for Taiwanese bubble tea enthusiasts! At Multea Choice, we are more than just a bubble tea brand – we are on a mission to provide an unforgettable experience that celebrates the joy of Taiwanese bubble tea. With our commitment to fun, innovation, professionalism, and exceptional service, we invite you to join us on a flavorful journey where every sip is a moment to cherish.

Multea Choice means “multiple choices” or “many choices” as we have over hundreds of different drinks that we use our premium tea as the main ingredient to innovate our drinks.

Established in 2020, Multea Choice opened its first store in London, UK, in 2021. Since then, we have experienced remarkable growth and success, expanding to nine locations across the UK and one in the Netherlands. Our mission remains unwavering: to bring the authentic taste of Taiwanese bubble tea to a wider audience, spreading joy and creating memorable experiences one cup at a time.

Enjoy Every Sip

Our tagline, “Enjoy every sip,” encapsulates the essence of Multea Choice. We believe that bubble tea is more than just a beverage; it’s an opportunity to indulge in pure bliss, savor delightful flavors, and embrace the happiness it brings. With each sip, we transport you to the vibrant streets of Taiwan, the birthplace of bubble tea, where passion and creativity thrive.

We understand the joy, excitement and the posi-tea-vity a good drink can bring. After many years of experiments, we have created our own recipes to pioneer in taste and to bring the memorable experience within every sip hence our slogan “Enjoy Every Sip”.

Founders Background

Multea Choice was founded by Kevin and Julie, a dynamic couple driven by their shared passion for the bubble tea industry. Julie, with her background in Nestle R&D, ensures that our drinks are crafted with the utmost attention to quality and flavor. Kevin’s expertise in startups, corporates, payments, and fintech brings an entrepreneurial spirit to our business. Having lived in Singapore for over 10 years, they immersed themselves in the vibrant Asian food and beverage culture, particularly the rich heritage of Taiwanese bubble tea.

Julie, a true foodie at heart, leads our dedicated R&D center. Her unyielding passion for culinary innovation drives her to constantly develop new drinks and enhance the quality and variety of our existing products. Multea Choice is not just a bubble tea brand; it is a testament to Julie’s creativity and commitment to providing our customers with exceptional flavors and enticing combinations that keep them coming back for more.

Commitment to Excellence

What sets Multea Choice apart is not just our commitment to excellence; it’s our devotion to authenticity. We have forged strong partnerships with reputable Taiwanese suppliers and manufacturers to ensure that we source only the finest and most authentic Taiwanese ingredients. In fact, 100% of our ingredients come directly from Taiwan. This dedication to sourcing the best allows us to guarantee that every cup of bubble tea you enjoy at Multea Choice is made with the highest quality tea leaves, fresh fruits, tapioca pearls, and other premium components.

Certificate of Excellence

We are pleased to inform that Multea Choice has been awarded a Recommendation badge by Restaurant Guru, one of the world’s most popular foodie websites with over 30 millions monthly users.


Roots in Taiwan

Furthermore, Multea Choice is a family-driven business with deep roots in Taiwan. We have Taiwanese partners as well as family members involved in the manufacturing of our ingredients. This connection not only showcases our seriousness in ingredient selection but also reinforces our commitment to authenticity.

When you choose Multea Choice, you are not just choosing a bubble tea; you are choosing an experience crafted with love and expertise. Our drinks are made by hand, fresh to order. We believe in doing things the right way, even if it’s not the fastest way. Our dedicated baristas skillfully prepare each drink, ensuring that every element is perfectly balanced. We spare no effort in delivering a drink that surpasses expectations

The Hedgehog

Our logo, the hedgehog, embodies the values we hold dear. During the lockdown in Finland, we encountered a curious hedgehog. We fed it milk, and to our surprise, it returned five days in a row. This heartwarming encounter symbolizes the loyalty, warmth, and trust we strive to cultivate with our customers and franchisees. Just like the hedgehog, we are here to provide comfort, happiness, and a delightful bubble tea experience that keeps you coming back for more.

Multea Choice - Kevin Doan
Multea Choice Co-Founder

Kevin Doan

Kevin Doan is a co-founder of Multea Choice, a visionary entrepreneur with a diverse background in technology, finance, payment systems, and startups. With a passion for innovation and a strong business acumen, Kevin has made a significant impact in multiple industries.

With a foundation in technology, Kevin’s expertise lies in software development, data analytics, and emerging technologies. Transitioning into finance and payment systems, he recognized the transformative potential of technology in revolutionizing financial transactions and consumer experiences.

As a co-founder of Multea Choice, Kevin has played a pivotal role in its success. Leveraging his tech and finance backgrounds, he has brought strategic insights and financial acumen to drive the growth of the business. His ability to identify market opportunities and guide the team towards execution has been instrumental in establishing Multea Choice as a leader in the bubble tea industry.

Kevin’s entrepreneurial spirit and hands-on approach have contributed to the sustainable growth and profitability of Multea Choice. His expertise spans multiple industries, allowing him to navigate the intersection of technology, finance, and startups with ease.

With his vision, innovation, and strategic leadership, Kevin Doan continues to make a profound impact in the realms of technology, finance, and startups. As a co-founder of Multea Choice, he remains dedicated to driving the success and growth of the business while fostering entrepreneurship in others.

Multea Choice - Julie Doan
R&D, Multea Choice Co-Founder

Julie Doan

Julie Doan is a co-founder of Multea Choice and the mastermind behind its research and development (R&D) endeavors. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of food science, Julie has played a pivotal role in shaping the unique and innovative beverage offerings of Multea Choice.

Julie’s journey in the world of food science began with her academic pursuits, where she developed a deep understanding of the intricate science behind food and beverages. Her passion for pushing the boundaries of flavor and her relentless pursuit of excellence led her to pursue a career in research and development.

Prior to co-founding Multea Choice, Julie gained invaluable experience working in Nestle’s esteemed R&D division. There, she honed her skills in creating new and delightful taste experiences, leveraging her expertise to develop innovative food and beverage products.

As a co-founder of Multea Choice, Julie’s R&D expertise has been the driving force behind the brand’s success. Her meticulous attention to detail, commitment to quality, and unwavering pursuit of flavor perfection have shaped Multea Choice’s beverage offerings into something truly exceptional.

Julie’s innovative mindset and creative flair have allowed Multea Choice to stand out in the competitive bubble tea industry. She constantly pushes the boundaries of flavor profiles, experimenting with unique ingredient combinations and refining the taste of every drink.

Her dedication to using high-quality ingredients sourced from Taiwan has ensured that Multea Choice captures the authenticity and essence of Taiwanese bubble tea. Julie’s strong relationships with suppliers and her deep understanding of the sourcing process have been instrumental in maintaining the brand’s commitment to excellence.

Beyond her role in R&D, Julie actively collaborates with the team to ensure the seamless execution of her creations. She provides guidance and training to the staff, ensuring that the innovative recipes she develops are faithfully brought to life in each cup of Multea Choice’s bubble tea.

Julie’s passion for continuous improvement and her relentless pursuit of beverage perfection have made Multea Choice a beacon of innovation in the industry. Her inventive spirit and scientific expertise have elevated the brand, making it a go-to destination for bubble tea enthusiasts seeking an unparalleled taste experience.

As a co-founder of Multea Choice, Julie Doan’s dedication to research and development has shaped the brand’s identity and set it apart from the competition. Her commitment to excellence, innovative mindset, and unmatched expertise in the field of food science continue to drive the success and growth of Multea Choice as it delights bubble tea lovers worldwide.